[Saitama] Nursery school official arrested for allegedly putting urine in children's water bottles: "He tried to scare them into doing what he wanted"

According to NTV NEWS...

A male employee of a licensed nursery school in Soka City, Saitama Prefecture, was arrested for putting urine in children's water bottles.

According to police, Toshifumi Miura is suspected of putting urine in a child's water bottle at a nursery school in Soka City on the 3rd, rendering the bottle unusable. When the child returned home, his mother noticed that there was a yellow liquid in the bottle and contacted the police.

The nursery school is run by a company whose representative is Miura's mother, and according to the city, Miura, an executive, worked as a clerk at the nursery school. He admitted to the charges during questioning, saying, "I put urine in the water bottles to scare the children and make them do what I said."

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Everyone's comments

  • Scaring young children into doing what you say is no longer education but control. It is frightening that such a person was in the field of childcare.
  • Putting urine in a water bottle is an unthinkable act in common sense. The problem is that such an abnormal person was allowed to interact with children.
  • Family-run daycare centers tend to be less strict in their oversight, and without third-party oversight, such irregularities could go unnoticed.
  • Did the other staff at the nursery really not know about this? I don't think this kind of behavior was a one-time thing, and if they turned a blind eye, that's also a problem.
  • I cannot understand the idea of ​​trying to make kindergarteners obey in such an abnormal way. Did they think that controlling them through fear was education?
  • The incident was discovered because the mother noticed, but what would have happened if she hadn't? It's possible that something even worse could have happened.
  • A nursery school should be a place where parents can feel safe leaving their children. I feel angry that such an incident occurred in such a place.
  • The management system at the nursery school is too lax. A system should be put in place to weed out unsuitable people before such abnormal behavior occurs.
  • A facility that looks after children can only function if it is trusted. If such incidents continue, the credibility of daycare centers themselves will be lost.
  • It is horrifying that this man said he did it to scare children into doing what he wanted. How could a person with such twisted thinking be allowed to be near a child?
  • When a nursery school is run by the owner's family, there is a risk that any misconduct by the family members may be covered up. In order to prevent such incidents, thorough external audits should be carried out.
  • Did the nursery school trust this man until the incident occurred? I'm curious as to how he ended up involved with the school in the first place.
  • The idea of ​​using fear to get people to obey is insane and this person should never be allowed to work with children again.
  • Even in an era when education at home was strict, such behavior was unthinkable. I wonder what kind of environment he grew up in.
  • It is a blessing that this case has come to light, as parents should be vigilant in checking childcare facilities for such perverts.
  • In order to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future, it is necessary to strengthen the management system at daycare centers and strictly screen the suitability of staff.
  • It is despicable that they would do something like this, taking advantage of the fact that their child cannot say anything back. They should be thoroughly punished.
  • How is the manager of the nursery school taking this incident? Just because it is a scandal involving a family member, they should not leave it ambiguous.
  • Because of one abnormal person, the credibility of other nursery teachers and the entire nursery school is shaken. For the sake of those who work hard, such incidents should be dealt with severely.
  • If such a crime can be committed and only a light punishment is given, then Japan's childcare industry is truly finished. All that can be done is to implement thorough measures to prevent recurrence.

JapanNewsNavi Editorial Department A's Opinion

When I learned about this incident, I felt strong anger and shock. A nursery school should be a place where children can feel safe and secure. However, the fact that an adult there committed such an act against a child is completely unacceptable.

According to police reports, suspect Toshifumi Miura has confessed that he put urine in the children's water bottles, saying that he wanted to scare them into doing what he wanted. This is an idea that is beyond common sense. It is absolutely unacceptable to try to make young children obey by instilling fear in them. The very fact that an environment existed in which such behavior was tolerated is problematic.

What happened in the daycare center?

The incident came to light when the child's mother noticed something odd about the water bottle after the child returned home. What would have happened if the mother hadn't noticed? It is possible that such abnormal behavior had been going on for a long time.

In addition, the nursery school was operated by a company whose representative was the suspect's mother. This means that someone in a position of power within the nursery school was committing this abnormal act. A normal employee would be immediately disciplined for such actions, but since the company was run by family members, it seems that no one was able to stop it.

What is even more concerning is whether other staff members knew about this or turned a blind eye to it. If other staff members were aware of the abnormal behavior but turned a blind eye to it, that would also be a major problem.

To prevent the recurrence of the incident

In light of this incident, I feel that the management system of daycare centers needs to be reviewed. First, the monitoring system for family-run daycare centers should be strengthened. When power is concentrated in the hands of a few family members, it is easy for inappropriate behavior to go unnoticed. A system should be put in place to introduce third-party audits and regularly check the behavior of staff.

Parents also need to take a greater interest in daycare centers. This incident came to light when the mother noticed something was wrong, but if she hadn't, this kind of behavior may have continued. If you leave your child at a daycare center, you need a system in place that allows you to carefully watch your child's behavior on a daily basis and respond immediately if you notice something unusual.

It is also important to strictly screen the qualifications of childcare workers and other staff. People who behave abnormally like this should not be involved in childcare centers in the first place. We must strengthen the system for assessing the suitability of childcare workers and other staff, and create a mechanism to protect children.

This incident may just be the tip of the iceberg. I feel that in order to create an environment where children can feel safe, society as a whole needs to be aware of the problem and take measures.

Written by: Editorial Department A

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