[Obituary] Freelance announcer Mino Monta passes away

According to TBS NEWS DIG...

Freelance announcer Mino Monta passes away (80)

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[Posted by yume]

引用元 https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/093b0348842bda97aea5bbc8aedd2f50f7449cc8

Everyone's comments

  • May he rest in peace…
  • He left such an impression on me that not a day went by without seeing him. May he rest in peace.
  • I won't forget the azuki beans and natto.
  • I loved watching TV and watching funny and interesting plays. May he rest in peace.
  • Replying to @sarah_mcdonalds
  • May he rest in peace m(_ _)m
  • Thank you for your hard work
  • Mino Monta has died...
  • Mino Monta has passed away and Alta has disappeared. With Mino Monta gone, Showa has also gone. Mino Monta's narration of "Strange and Great Plays in Professional Baseball" was the best.
  • Mino Monta was in good spirits, but...
  • Mino Monta, I guess it's okay if your wife dies first.
  • As someone who grew up watching Amazing Animals, I feel sad.

JapanNewsNavi Editorial Department B's Opinion

I was shocked and deeply saddened to hear that Monta Mino, who had been a freelance announcer for many years, had passed away. He had previously hosted many shows, including "Asazuba!" and "Himitsu no Kenmin Show," and was a familiar presence in living rooms across the nation for his unique way of speaking and sharp comments.

According to reports, on the 16th, he choked on beef tongue at a yakiniku restaurant in Tokyo, and was temporarily unconscious and in critical condition. Fortunately, he later regained consciousness and was said to have recovered without being hospitalized, but he eventually passed away. Considering his age of 80, accidents caused by choking are not uncommon, but I never expected that we would have to say goodbye in this way.

Mino Monta is one of the most prominent announcers in the Japanese television industry, and his influence is immeasurable. In news programs, he is supported by many viewers for his outspoken comments, and his sometimes harsh approach to politicians and social issues has become a hot topic. In variety shows, he has the talent to liven up the atmosphere with his unique hosting techniques while also incorporating humor, and his presence is one of a kind.

However, in recent years, he announced that he had Parkinson's disease and distanced himself from the world of television. It may have been surprising to many that, while undergoing rehabilitation, he continued to work as chairman of his family's water meter company. Even though he was away from television, his attitude did not change, and it is clear that he lived an energetic life until the very end.

Accidents due to aspiration are a major risk for the elderly. According to data from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, there are approximately 3500 deaths per year due to "aspiration of food causing airway obstruction," with the majority of these deaths occurring among people aged 80 or older. Mochi, jelly, and candy are considered particularly dangerous, but meat also requires caution. Experts point out that grilled meat becomes tough over time, so it is important to chew it thoroughly before swallowing it. Mino's case has made us think again about these risks while eating.

Mino Monta has made a great contribution to the television industry. His words and actions sometimes caused controversy, but that was undoubtedly part of his charm. With his free-spirited style, he expanded the possibilities of the television medium. For that reason, seeing how television has become more conservative in recent years and with more and more bland content, it is a shame that there are fewer unique presenters like him.

In addition, "Mino Monta" was a symbol in the Japanese media. His influence was not limited to television, but extended to society as a whole. As times change, the nature of the media is changing, but I hope that a presenter with a strong personality and unique perspective like him will appear again.

It is unclear whether there will ever be another person like Mino in the future, but the many memorable scenes and words he left behind are etched in the memories of many people. There are probably not many announcers who have been loved for such a long time.

Finally, we would like to express our heartfelt condolences.

Written by: Editorial Department B

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